Daily Trading 4/14/21

Daily Trades

Today was all about the Health related stocks. Our Moderna (MRNA) and Novavax (NVAX) positions took profits. I don’t know if it was related to the big news on the Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) vaccine being halted or if it was just a coincidence.

Obviously my next move was to see if JNJ was tradable. It had a down day, but nothing nearly down enough to make the premium work. Earnings are in just a few days and even with that variable in the mix I just couldn’t find a good strike or expiry to go after JNJ.

So instead I settled for a contract on Atlassian (TEAM) at the $200 strike. Still sitting on a lot of dry powder waiting for volatility to return.

Communitea Trade Update: The Fisker (FSR) position is sliding in price. We’re in the $14 and change range with our strike and $12.50. For now we just hang on and do nothing.